The speaker discussed the updates and enhancements made to Simpro in Q3 2023. They provided an overview of the new features, their uses, and how they can help businesses in the trade industry. The updates covered various areas such as lead management, job details management, scheduling, inventory management, site geolocation, asset management, employee and contractor management, data management, and branding.
Simpro's release notes for Q3 2023 highlight a focus on facilitating a seamless workflow and enhancing efficiency for users in the trade industry.
Simpro has introduced a feature allowing users to bypass the step of converting leads to quotes and directly creating jobs. The speaker explains this not only offers significant time savings but also "keeps a clear record of the process in the leads log, which will aid in your tracking and accountability." Another notable introduction is an expansion on the use of scripts. They can now populate notes in leads, quotes, and jobs, and the quote and job scripts can insert a technician name field. The speaker emphasized how this addition "ensures that your assigned technician's name is automatically populated when the script is used on a quota job."
Simpro has made strides in improving inventory management operations and site geolocation for more precise field servicing.
They have introduced the ability to "automatically create unreceived purchase orders from a supplier invoice," allowing for streamlined inventory management. The speaker also introduced the site geolocation feature, which allows users to "enter a latitude and longitude coordinates in the address field" when creating a site. This aims to ensure teams can accurately find the right locations. In the mobile realm, Simpro has enhanced its features around attachments and photos to ensure efficient data sharing from the field.
Simpro's updates also concentrate on streamlining employee and contractor management, improving data management, and enhancing the personalization and professionalism of customer interactions.
Simpro now offers more options to update employee information, "allowing users to use custom field values to pinpoint employee records for updates." This is set to enhance the employee management process by fully utilizing stored data. The speaker also highlighted the introduction of the Hyperlink type custom field, which allows users to record URLs and navigate to them in a single click. For customer interactions, Simpro has allowed users to "add a contact's title as an insert field in your email template directly from a system setup," enhancing the personalization and professionalism of email communications.