Kick Employee Onboarding Goals with the Right Plan

Published: September 6, 2019

Contributed by Andy and Angela Smith, co-founders, Lifestyle Tradie

Onboarding is the process of attracting and retaining exceptional employees. For many trade business owners, the tradie shortage and the urgency in which we typically recruit, results in missing key onboarding steps.

It’s a classic problem. Haphazard onboarding makes trade business owners look unprofessional and leaves your new employee feeling deflated about working with you, not elated and highly motivated.

This common scenario creates frustration on both sides, which is not the best way to begin a long-lasting, trusting relationship!

If your goal is to attract and retain exceptional employees, using a step-by-step flowchart – which follows the exact onboarding process – will take out the guesswork, allowing you and your new tradie to get off to a great start!

You’ve hired a star recruit, now what?

Here’s 5 key moves to help you set up new hires with everything they need to adapt and succeed in your business.

1. Establish a game plan

If we use the analogy of a football team, everyone has a specific role to play in the game, don’t they? Everyone understands the game plan. There’s a clear understanding of the ultimate goal. A winning team is made up of winning players, who are all on board to achieve positive results.

Are your employees aware of the game plan in your business?

2. Create a development squad

Giving your tradies an opportunity to train together provides the chance for them to develop cohesion as a team. Investing time and resources into skill development will equip them to go into the field. Without adequate training, there’ll be inconsistent work standards – and unhappy customers.

Does your business have training processes in place?

3. Game day

With your new hire now out on the field representing your business, your hard work in the initial stages of onboarding should be paying off. They’re able to hit the ground running with confidence. You’ll feel assured your team member is empowered to make decisions on your behalf.

Do you entrust your employees with making important decisions?

4. Take time out

Stop and review. When we take time out, it’s easier to see if any changes to your systems and processes would benefit the business. Just like a sporting match, sometimes you need to reassess the game plan. This might involve developing new tactics, revising your goal, or exploring different systems.

Do you regularly take a breather to reassess your game plan?

5. Post-match celebration

Share the wins. It creates connection, builds camaraderie, and generates long-lasting memories. Teams bond through social occasions. For these celebrations to be truly inclusive, this should happen on your watch, not after hours. Choose suitable ways to celebrate a job well done.

What place do celebrations have in your workplace?The tradie

If you want your new employee to contribute their best to your business, your onboarding process will underpin how it plays out.

Don’t miss a beat with the flow of your onboarding process. Download the flowchart – and apply it to your business today.

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